Evidence of Identity Requirements
When applying for the Training and Assessment at a MSV approved licence issuing provider, certification of satisfactory completion of the approved training, as issued by Mick’s Boat Course must be presented together with Evidence of Identity (EOI).
The Evidence of Identity (EOI) required is defined as an:
Australian Photo Driver Licence (Also accepted – Photo Learner Permit)
A photo licence means any Australian photo driver licence or photo leaner permit which in current or expired by no more than 2 years.
Multiple Evidence of Identity (A Primary proof document AND a Secondary proof document)
For transactions where multiple EOI is required it is necessary to provide:
1. a Primary evidence document (high quality evidence of who the applicant is);
2. a Secondary evidence document (to confirm the current use of the applicant’s name in the community);
AND, (if applicable)
3. evidence of Change of Name (Where it differs between primary and secondary evidence documents);
4. evidence of residence (where current address as listed on enrolment form differs from that shown on the evidence of identity document/s). If participants cannot provide evidence of residence a referee statement must be completed.
Primary and Secondary evidence documents must be separate documents.
All documents must be originals as supplied by the issuing authority (or copies certified by the issuing authority, a Justice of the Peace or Solicitor).
Primary Evidence Documents
ONE of these documents;
- Australian Passport
- An Overseas Passport
- Australian birth certificate or Change of Name Certificate issued by the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages. Birth extracts and Commemorative birth certificates are not accepted,
- Change of name certificate issued by by the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages,
- A document of identity issued by the Passport Office (usually issued to travellers to Norfolk Island),
- A document of identity issued by the Australian Passport Office;
- Australian Police Force Officer or Australian Defence Force photo identity card (excluding civilian staff),
- Consular photo identity card issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade,
- Australian naturalisation or citizenship document issued by the Department of Immigration(read note 2),
- Immigration Paper (eg visa) issued by the Department of Immigration
- NSW Photo Card (issued by NSW RTA after 14 December 2005)
One of these documents that is current or expired by no more than two years:
- Australian Defence Force photo licence, or
- Victorian forearm photo licence.
Secondary evidence documents
In addition to one of the above primary evidence documents the applicants must provide ONE secondary evidence document from the list below:
- Medicare Card,
- Pensioner Concession Card,
- Department of Veteran’s Affairs card,
- Current entitlement card issued by the Commonwealth
- Student identity card
- Credit card or account card from a bank, building society or credit union,
- State or federal government employee photo ID card.
One of these documents that is current or no more than one year old:
- Electoral enrolment card,
- Armed services discharge papers,
- Current Proof of Age card issued by Consumer Affairs Victoria,
- Current Vicotiran Driving Authority photo identity card.
Evidence of Change of Name
The applicant will need ONE of the following documents if the name is different on the primary and secondary evidence documents:
- Marriage certificate issued by a Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages in Australia,
- Divorce papers (showing the name being reverted to),
- Deed Poll (Issued before November 1986 in Victoria), or
- Change of Name Certificate (Issued after November 1986 in Victoria),
Evidence of Address where the applicant cannot provide it with primary or secondary documents
If an applicant cannot provide documentary evidence of an address, a referee statement is acceptable. The referee statement must:
- Be signed by a Victorian driver licence holder who has known the applicant for 12 mionths or more,
- Include the applicant’s name and address, and
- Include the referee’s name and address
- A copy of the referee statement follows;
Note 1 – This refers to an Australian naturalisation or citizenship document issued by the Department of Immigration. If the applicant is under 16 years of age the document may be in the name of a parent provided that the applicant is also listed on the document. The applicant’s parent’s licence must be sighted and the number recorded. If the parent does not hold a licence, a statutory declaration must be provided.
Note 2 – This refers to immigration papers (ie. visa) issued by the Department of Immigration. If the applicant is under 18 years of age, the document may be in the name of a parent or legal guardian provided that the applicant is also listed on the document. The applicant’s parent’s licence must be sighted and the number recorded. If the parent does not hold a licence, a statutory declaration must be provided.
Contact us
If you have any questions get in touch.
0414 952 444

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